The Haus

Monday, March 13, 2000

SOF Unofficially GOLD

According to Rick Johnson's .plan, SOF has been unofficially declared gold. Here's the update:
*** UPDATE ***

Unofficially, SoF has been baked to a light GOLD! We are code released! Masters have been sent off to duplication. Technically, the head of QA has to sign off on the paper work tomorrow to make it official, but we are done! All 5 versions (US Full Violence, US Low Violence, UK Full, French Full, and German Low) have made it through QA. At this time, we are not aware when it will hit the stores, other than it will be this month.

Creative and the NV15

Björn posted some information from a Creative Labs press conference regarding their next graphics product based on NVIDIA's NV15 GPU. Here's the news:
  • 32 Mb DDR memory
  • 0.18 micron
  • Over 1 GigaTexel fillrate
  • 4 dual-texture pipelines
  • TV-out via daughter-card (the idea is that you will only have to buy the TV-out board once and continue use it on future Creative products. This isn't finalized yet)
When I asked about when it would be out they only smiled and said "soon".

Beer is Better Than Milk. Discuss.

OK, this is WAY off topic, but still amusing. Someone sent Ars Technica a link on a PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) website which encourages college students to drink beer instead of milk. Personally, I never thought that the lack of beer drinking on college campuses was a big issue. I'll withold any personal comments on PETA (Mommy always told me that if you can't say something nice . . .), other than to say that I can't WAIT until MADD gets ahold of this.

RealPlayer 7 Beta for Linux

Slashdot is reporting that Real has released a beta version of RealPlayer 7 for Linux (glibc 2.0). Cool stuff! The alpha version I was using of RealPlayer G2 was very flaky. I'll fire this one up and see how it goes. More reasons to play in Linux. Joy!

Update! I downloaded and fiddled with the new RealPlayer for a bit today. It is much better and more stable than the previous alpha version. Having said that, I had to manually copy the Netscape plug-in into the appropriate directory and said plug-in often caused Netscape to lock up. Still, it's a step in the right direction.

New Obi-Wan Screenshots

Those wacky Germans at GamesZone have posted four new screenshots from LucasArts' forthcoming first-person -shooter, Episode I: Obi-Wan. Cool stuff, Maynard. Thanks Jedi Kanigit.

Daikatana-o-Rama has posted a slew of information on John Romero's forthcoming brainchild. There are eight screenshots and details from each episode, as well as information on the various gametypes. Thanks Shugashack for the information.

Why I Left id . . .

In today's Ask Hook, Brian explains why he left id for Verant. I think most people thought he was a couple of strings short of a trapeze when he did. It just goes to show that even the "ideal" job might not always be so ideal.

Sunday, March 12, 2000

X-Box Analysis

Thresh's Firing Squad has gone over the specs of the X-Box, Microsoft's recently-announced gaming console. Everything sounds VERY cool right now, but it's all vaporware for more than a year. If MS can actually pull it off--watch out Sony and Nintendo. Personally, I think that this just shows why Gates has a zillion dollars and the rest of us are eating Burger King. Not that there's anything wrong with that. (/me gets hungry for a Whopper)


I've made some cosmetic updates to the site (broken links-ick) and updated my Jukebox with 20 or so new tunes. Was about time I did some snooping around the 'net for some good midis again.

On other news: Me and A.T. are dominating on the EZ-Net Q3A server (because of bot practice, but what the hey), and my cockatiel Ricky died this evening. Talk about a swinging door. That's the way it goes with pets tho, and especially birds. R.I.P Ricky, you were a good bird.

Quake3 Mission Pack

According to Blue's, id Software is working on a Quake 3 Mission Pack at this time, and GameSpy has some screenshots of some Paul Steed models from the pack. Well, this is interesting news. My only question is: What do you do with a mission pack on an MP game?

Update! Okay, the Shugashack is calling it an expansion pack, which makes a HECK of a lot more sense.

A.T. Hun comments: Must . . . have . . . Q3A-related . . . paraphernalia . . .

Past Two Days' News

Recent Headlines

January 5, 2015: It Returns!
August 10, 2007: SCO SUCKS IT DOWN!
July 5, 2007: Slackware 12.0 Released
May 20, 2007: PhpBB 3.0 RC 1 Released
February 2, 2007: DOOM3 1.31 Patch

January 27, 2007: Join the World Community Grid
January 17, 2007: Flash Player 9 for Linux
December 30, 2006: Darkness over Daggerford 1.2
December 19, 2006: Pocket Tunes 4.0 Released
December 9, 2006: WRT54G 1.01.1 Firmware OK with Linux/Mac

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