The Haus

Friday, March 24, 2000

Webdog has Rabies?

Or perhaps a hair ball? Something is up with Webdog's finger tracker. It seems that just about every .plan they track is reporting an update today, even if they haven't been updated in many moons. Not sure what's up with this. Unfortuantely, some .plans really were updated today and it's hard to tell which is which without checking every last one.

Watch REALLY Big Booms

Rocket launcher? Bah. BFG? Boooring. Red Riot? Been there, done that. Wanna see a REALLY big boom? Tune in to Windows which will be broadcasting the implosion of the Kingdome in Seattle on Sunday, March 26, at 10:30 A.M. U.S. Central Time. You will need a copy of FakePlayer to view it. If you have the glasses, you can even view it in 3D! No word if they've figured out how to get dust to spew from your monitor.

Thursday, March 23, 2000

Bought Half-Life . . . Finally

I took Best Buy (no affiliation, yadda, yadda) up on their offer to get the Half-Life Game of the Year Edition for $9.99 after rebate. I've only played a little bit, but I just now remember how much the H-L Uplink demo freaked me out. Good stuff. If you don't have it yet, get it.

Avault on Daikatana

Avault is reporting that Daikatana isn't as finished as the had earlier reported. Here's the news blurb:
Eidos Interactive has informed the Adrenaline Vault that John Romero's long-awaited 3D action game is not finished, though the development team at ION Storm is submitting builds for testing. We reported last Saturday based on comments from a source close to the project that the game was finished, but not gold. Brian Davies of Eidos told us that the team is close to being done . . . Davies called to amended [sic] his statement to say the latest information he has received indicates the game "could be out this month."
Thanks Blue's News for the heads-up.

Video Cards and SoF

Raven's John Scott updated his .plan with little more than a link to this page with some statistics on how the various video cards perform in Soldier of Fortune. I was very pleased to see that my TNT is still a very viable option. Actually, I already knew that from playing the demo. Check it to see how YOUR video card rates!

Gaming and Violence

Todd Hollenshead updated his .plan with a big Thank You to the gaming community for their support of his interview last night with 20/20 contributor John Stossil. I regret to say I missed this 20/20, but from what I'm hearing this was one of the first attempts by the game development community to speak to the charges being levied against them. Here's Todd's update:
Thanks for the enormous positive feedback on my interview with John Stossil. I'm fortunate to have had the opportunity to present what I believe is the sane, rational, and correct point-of-view. The support of the game community is greatly appreciated.
One point in the 20/20 commentary really stuck for me: do YOU want the government to decide what you can and can't play or watch? I don't. Hell, they can't make up their mind how much they want to charge us for new desks for Senators every year. They can go govern down their paychecks thank you. Leave me and my games alone.

Countdown to the End

OK, it's Thursday. Still no Daikatana gold announcement. Perhaps the team was guilty of a little premature jocularity (apologies to Keith Olbermann) with their planned vacations. The silence right now is deafening.

Update! And now Noel Stephens updated his .plan with some bugs they're fixing. So that's why we're still waiting:
Hahaha, I just was reported a very funny bug. It appears that if you stand right next to the exact location of a specific monster and start using a 'specific' type of weapon which does an insane amount of damage, the monster will die within the first 10 milliseconds of its existance. A problem? Well... in the case of the person who might have this weapon at this point of the game and who already knows what and where things are going to happen...this could be a problem because these monsters in particular need to 'initialize' themselves before they are killed so other things can be triggered. So, I am fixing this minor bug today along with one other very minor bugs.

The good news? Well, those are the two bugs I have left to do. I also know that Shawn has kicked through a good % of his bugs last night. Anyway, I figured, for those of you waiting for Daikatana feverishly, I would let you know the severity level of most of the bugs we are dealing with (obviously the one described above is kind of severe if the moon and sun are aligned just so... but they are not like you start the game and it takes a **** to your desktop level bugs).

Network Issues

Last night, something was majorly askew with EZ-Net's Sprint T1. To my knowledge, the problem has not been completely rectified. As a result, all traffic is being routed through their Times-Warner T1. I believe this is why the new games server is currently down (although I have not been able to confirm this yet). Sit tight, as soon as Sprint figures out what the deal is, everything will be back to (ab)normal.

Update 10:30 A.M. The Sprint feed is back up. Still no word on the games server, but I'm guessing that that's pretty low on the priority list right now :)

Update 6:25 P.M. It seems that the new games box barfed all by itself. It was not brought down by EZ-Net, it brought itself down. Small consolation. A few things have been changed and it's back running--hopefully for good.

Past Two Days' News

Recent Headlines

January 5, 2015: It Returns!
August 10, 2007: SCO SUCKS IT DOWN!
July 5, 2007: Slackware 12.0 Released
May 20, 2007: PhpBB 3.0 RC 1 Released
February 2, 2007: DOOM3 1.31 Patch

January 27, 2007: Join the World Community Grid
January 17, 2007: Flash Player 9 for Linux
December 30, 2006: Darkness over Daggerford 1.2
December 19, 2006: Pocket Tunes 4.0 Released
December 9, 2006: WRT54G 1.01.1 Firmware OK with Linux/Mac

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