Saturday, June 2, 2001
XFree86 4.1.0 Released -- 10:10 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
The XFree86 team has released version 4.1.0 of their popular version of the X windowing system. Naturally, their servers are getting the living daylights beaten out of them. You can check out the README here. Thanks Linux Games.UPDATE! Early reports indicate that the currently-available NVIDIA drivers work just fine with it.
Kenn Hoekstra Interview -- 7:59 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Kenn Hoekstra, Raven's project administrator and man whose name I must repeatedly retype, has been interviewed at Mindless Games. The interview touches on Raven's recently-announced games (Soldier of Fortune II, Jedi Knight II) and what might be coming up in their future. Thanks Blue.JKII Screenies -- 7:26 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
JediKnightII got their hands on some new screenshots from Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight II. One shot shows our hero battling a probe droid and another shows several stormtroopers charging him. Pretty slick stuff. Thanks StompedThursday, May 31, 2001
Transferring the Visor ROM in Linux -- 10:05 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
WOW! I just found out that transferring the Visor ROM is easier in Linux than it is in Windows! First of all, snag a copy of pilot-link and install it. An RPM is available on the Red Hat 7.1 Disc #1 (pilot-link-0.9.5-2.i386.rpm). Assuming you have USB properly configured (Red Hat 7.1 took care of everything at installation for me), hit the hotsync button and issue the following command:pi-getrom /dev/ttyUSB1 visor.rom
Wait until the counter indicates that the transfer is complete and you are all set. All too easy.
Gibson on DDOS Attacks -- 9:49 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Steve Gibson (of GRC and "Shields Up!" fame, not the Shacknews webmaster) details his attempts to deal with repeated DDOS attacks against his system. This long but terribly interesting article shows how script kiddies work and how we can defend ourselves from becoming victims. Thanks Slashdot.A.T. clears his throat. LISTEN UP, all RoadRunner and @Home subscribers! Download and install Zone Alarm NOW! It is free and will save you and the Internet community at large a lot of headaches.
The Master comments: This is an excellent article. This also indicates that Steve Gibson is (a) a hell of a programmer and (b) stubborn as a donkey. Heh :-)
J.t.Qbe comments: Wow! This is really an impressive article. Gibson is amazing--he's a real hacker (in the best sense of the word), not a lame cracker. We bow in awe. . . Ok, now each one of you, go to his site at and run his "Shields Up!" on your own system and see where YOU are vulnerable. . .
New Ask Sweeney -- 8:58 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
VoodooExtreme has posted a new Ask (Epic's Tim) Sweeney Q&A column. In this installment, he tackles such topics as game engine design in a 3D accelerated world, implementing saved games, and even M$ v. DoJ.Jedi Knight II Screenies -- 8:48 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
GamesFirst got their hands on some pretty sweet screenshots of Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight II. I especially like the one of the stormtroopers with their reflections in the floor. It's looking rather cool for being so early in the project. Thanks Blue.Ion Dallas Shut Down(?) -- 8:38 am CST, Update by The Master
According to Shacknews, Ion Storm Dallas is shutting down today. Wow. I'll try to follow this one through the day.It's too bad-I think Romero and crew spent too much time being party-kids, and not enough focusing on the games. They coulda been sumbody :-)
Update! 11:10am - Avault has an article up indicating that Ion Dallas will be closed, but not until completion of Anachronox.
A.T. Hun comments: Perhaps they could have been. There's only so long you can hemorrhage cash and not ship any products before even a company like Eidos is going to pull the plug. I was wondering what was going to happen with Anachronox. No matter how cool it is, I question if a Q2 engine-based game can still sell. Obviously Romero and Hall have talent. It is equally obvious that they need someone to hold their reins.
Update! Now the rumors are going around that ION Dallas isn't shutting down, although the only thing they seem to be denying is that it is shutting down today. Actually, I'm getting rather sick of talking about it.
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