Monday, December 3, 2001
NFL Week #12 Final -- 11:51 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
This is one of the best weeks for picks that Eeyore and I have had in some while. She went 11-4 while I was 10-5. Year to date I am 104-69 (.601) while Eeyore is 96-77 (.555). I'm back over 60%! W00t! And my fantasy team won despite scoring only 66 points. Go fig.UT2 in Progress? -- 10:28 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
I have to learn to read more carefully. I read this this morning and passed right over it. Computer and Video Games is reporting that Unreal Tournament 2 is in production. There has been no official announcement, just a bunch of "no comments." This could be interesting, depending on what they do with it. Thanks Blue.Thanks, AT&T -- 1:45 pm CST, Update by J.t.Qbe
Thanks for nothing, that is. Yes, their cable modem service went down early on Saturday morning. As of this afternoon, I'm still offline. I'm a telecommuter, so I need to be at work today, not "within the next 14 days" (as they say my broadband will be unavailable). They have no special offers available on their dialup service, either--you can pay the regular rates, after waiting a week to get their software.Finally I popped in an MSN-free-month-trial CD I got at Staples this week and got online relatively painlessly. It isn't broadband, but it's better than no-band!
A.T. Hun comments: Hmmm, MSN or nothing, hmmmm. That'd be a tough decision!
J.t.Qbe comments: Well, I could've gone with AOL. . . No, I'd definitely rather have nothing!
More on CrossOver -- 10:57 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
I commented recently about how I shelled out the money for CodeWeavers' CrossOver plugin for Linux (story). With every day that goes by, my decision gets better and better. I'm rather suprised how seamlessly QuickTime and Shockwave integrate with both Netscape and Mozilla in Linux. Good stuff.NFL Week #12 So Far -- 10:08 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
It's amazing the lengths my Lions will go to in order to lose. Three missed field goals by a kicker who hasn't done that since 1994. Two dropped touchdown passes. Charlie Batch gets killed . . . again. Defensive linemen who can't stay onside but make up for it by not stopping the run. It was a real team effort. The kicker is that the Bears tried to hand it to them too . . .With tonight's game left, Eeyore leads me by one. She's 10-4 and I am 9-5. Who would have thought that Dallas would be Washington or, even worse, that Arizona would beat Oakland?
Sunday, December 2, 2001
Lowtax and EW -- 10:44 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Some of the forum goons over at Something Awful tried to get Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka on the list for Entertainment Weekly's entertainer of the year. While his bid failed, he did get mentioned in the article. Sorry, Lowtax. The award will have to go to one of the other lame nominees. At least Les Claypool is cool.SoF2 Interview -- 5:04 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
HomeLan interviewed Raven's Rick Johnson about the multiplayer component of Soldier of Fortune II, bots, mods, and the whole nine yards. SoF2 is still on schedule for a Q1 2002 release. Thanks Blue.Quake4 Virus -- 4:33 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Raven's Rick Johnson updated his .plan with news of an unusual new virus.Be aware, there is a Virus going around pretending to be a Quake4 demo. Of course there is no Quake4 demo!Ummmm, duh? The link takes you to Symantec's summary of this new virus.
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