Monday, June 30, 2003
Pondering the Imponderable -- 9:18 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
After almost four days of no Internet (it was kind of nice, actually), I'm bringing my vacation to a close. I'd say it's been a good one, since I am ready to get back home. It'll be nice to get back to "normal" and get the kids back on a regular schedule. We took the kids to McDonald's last night for nuggets and fries. I figure that that must be some form of child abuse. It's to the point where I'd kill for some steamed broccoli or a decent salad. Having said that, South Dakota is a great place if you are a steak fan, since they all knew the cows personally.
I'm also looking forward to getting back to my Athlon XP, Linux, and my DSL. Stable, fast computing. Isn't that what it's all about?
The Master comments: I had a roommate in college who grew up on a cattle farm, so naturally he not only KNEW all the cows, by name, but all the packaged burger in the freezer was labelled with said names. Nothing like having a little Mabel for dinner. !Gack!
Nilsson Q3A/Q3:TA Maps -- 9:01 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
id's Fred Nilsson updated his .plan (remember those?) with word that he has released a new Quake III Arena map and a new Team Arena map for your perusal. I'll make sure to check those out when I return.
Mozilla 1.4 Released -- 8:53 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
The Mozilla team has released version 1.4 of their web browsing suite. 1.4 replaces 1.0 as the stable branch. This will be the last major version with the combined browser, mail, etc. Work will now focus on Mozilla Firebird (aka Phoenix) for the browser and Mozilla Thunderbird for mail. You can download Mozilla 1.4 here and check out the release notes here.
ATI drops Linux drivers for consumer cards? -- 10:35 am CST, Update by The Master
There's a post over on Slashdot indicating that ATI may have dropped support for Linux on their consumer level Radeon cards. I'm not sure what to make of all this, but it's worth a read.Sunday, June 29, 2003
PHP 5 Beta 1 Released -- 5:04 pm CST, Update by The Master, developers of the the ultimate website scripting language, have announced the release of PHP 5 beta 1! There's a monster list of changes here. You can download it here. The biggest drawback I see with this version is the removal of the MySQL extension. It appears to have been replaced by SQLite, but this change will make it very difficult for me to consider using this version of PHP.
- Switch to using Zend Engine 2, which includes numerous engine level improvements.
- The SQLite extension is now bundled and enabled by default. (Wez, Marcus, Tal)
- Improved the speed of internal functions that use callbacks by 40% due to a new internal fast_call_user_function() function. (Sterling)
- Completely Overhauled XML support (Rob, Sterling, Chregu, Marcus)
- Removed the bundled MySQL client library. (Sterling)
- New php.ini options
- Improved the streams support (Wez, Sarah, Ilia)
- Improved the GD extension: (Pierre-Alain Joye, Ilia)
- Changed the length parameter in fgetss() to be optional. (Moriyoshi)
- Changed ini parser to allow for handling of quoted multi-line values. (Ilia)
- Changed get_extension_funcs() to return list of the built-in Zend Engine functions if "zend" is specified as the module name. (Ilia)
- Changed array_search() to accept also objects as a needle. (Moriyoshi)
- Changed ext/mcrypt to require libmcrypt version 2.5.6 or greater. (Derick)
- Changed uniqid() parameters to be optional and allow any prefix length. (Marcus)
- Added new iconv functions. (Moriyoshi)
- Added misc. new functions: ldap_sasl_bind(), imap_getacl(), file_put_contents(), proc_nice(), pcntl_getpriority(), pcntl_setpriority(), idate(), date_sunrise(), date_sunset(), strpbrk(), get_headers(), str_split(), array_walk_recursive(), array_combine()
- Added optional parameter to get_browser() to make it return an array. (Jay)
- Added optional parameter to openssl_sign() to specify the hashing algorithm.(, Derick)
- Added optional parameter to sha1(), sha1_file(), md5() and md5_file() which makes them return the digest as binary data. (Michael Bretterklieber, Derick)
- Added optional parameter to mkdir() to make directory creation recursive. (Ilia)
- Added optional parameter to file() which makes the result array not contain the line endings and to skip empty lines. (Ilia)
- Added new range() functionality (Ilia)
- Added encoding detection feature for expat XML parser. (Adam Dickmeiss, Moriyoshi)
- Added missing multibyte (unicode) support and numeric entity support to html_entity_decode(). (Moriyoshi)
- Added IPv6 support to ext/sockets. (Sara)
- Added "ftp://" wrapper support to opendir(), stat() and unlink(). (Sara) Added context options 'method', 'header' and 'content' for "http://" fopen wrapper. (Sara)
- Added input filter support. See README.input_filter for more info. (Rasmus)
- Fixed is_executable() to be available also on Windows. (Shane)
- Fixed dirname() and strip_tags() to be binary-safe. (Moriyoshi)
- Fixed bug #24098 (crash in pathinfo()). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #21985 and #22064 (various mb_send_mail() issues). (Moriyoshi)
- Fixed bug #21600 (Assign by reference function call changes variable contents). (Zeev)
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