Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Pondering the Imponderable -- 11:30 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
So far, I'm really enjoying the new DOOM3 Linux client. There are a couple minor bugs (e.g. the advanced graphics options don't get written to your config file), but nothing major. It sped up the game enough that I can play with shadows on and really experience it the way it was meant to be seen. That really adds a lot. It's not as spooky the second time through, but it probably is more fun. I can't exactly say why . . . it just is.
NFL Week #4 Final -- 6:45 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Eeyore continues to climb back to respectability. Good thing I didn't openly mock her for the Chargers pick like I was going to. *cough* At any rate, I went 7-7 while Eeyore went 9-5. Oh the humanity! Overall, that brings me down to 37-23 (.617) while Eeyore improves to 32-28 (.533). My fantasy team got creamed like so much corn too. And another player got hurt.
Monday, October 4, 2004
DOOM3 Linux Client, Server, and Demo -- 6:04 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
id has released the DOOM3 Linux client and server (v1.1) and demo. There is an official site with a FAQ, download links, and installation instructions. The client/server is 7.3M while the demo is 463M. It is also available from the good people at 3D Gamers. Joy! All hail TTimo! Thanks Linux Games.
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