The Haus

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Quake 4 v1.1 Patch PULLED

According to quite a few gaming websites have pulled their copies of the version 1.1 patch for Quake 4. I was just working on a post announcing the patch, ironically. The word is that this patch can damage monitors if the widescreen mode is changed. If you've got it installed, you might want to just walk away until the new patch is released.

Monday, March 27, 2006


InformationWeek has a fascinating article discussing Apple's response to France requiring open specs for DRM. This is an excellent article, especially considering it's coming from a mainstream press source. A snippet:

Companies touting DRM technology claim that it’s intended to protect data from unauthorized copying. But Apple’s angry response to a French plan for iTunes interoperability has let the truth slip out: DRM is designed to lock in customers, not lock down data.

SpaceX Falcon 1 Launch Failed

According to the SpaceX website, a fire in the first stage caused the maiden Falcon 1 launch to fail after 28 seconds of powered flight. This failure will be investigated by the Fed, and hopefully they will resolve the problem and launch another Falcon 1 within 6 months.

I hope they get this fixed, and get a huge success on the next launch. Privatly funded space flight looks to be about the only chance of anything exciting happening anytime soon.

A.T. Hun comments: I believe that the folks who said that they could do this better and cheaper than NASA are now learning that it is much harder than they originally estimated.

The Master comments: I don't think anyone ever doubted that. But if you don't need to support a massive entrenched beaurocracy in order to launch flights, in the end it WILL be cheaper. Space flight is certainly not easy for anyone, though.

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