Thursday, September 7, 2006
Are You Ready for Some Football? -- 1:22 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
I know I am! The NFL season kicks off tonight with Miami travelling to Pittsburgh. Once again, for the seventh straight year Eeyore and I will be picking all of the games. Tonight I'm going with the upset special and picking the Fish.
The Master comments: Eeyore is going with the Steelers. I looked at this game. Gah.
Step Aside, Google -- 12:10 pm CST, Update by J.t.Qbe
I've just discovered my new favorite search engine: visearch. No more pesky mouse! Use 'k' and 'j' to navigate through your search results, 'dd' to remove results, '/' to search and, maybe most important, ':help' to get help.
Ok, I'll probably still use Google, but this is cool stuff.
A.T. Hun comments: I like vi as much as any other non-emacs user, but this is too silly.
J.t.Qbe comments: As silly as Star Trek Meets Monty Python?
Wednesday, September 6, 2006
Pondering the Imponderable -- 12:32 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
I had a bit of a heart attack yesterday. I turned on my computer (normally I leave it on all of the time, but I turned it off because we were going away for a day and a half) and it wouldn't boot to X. It stopped right before X should have loaded. Upon rebooting, my mobo wouldn't detect the hard drive. This is, obviously, a sub-optimal situation. I managed to get it running finally, but after using it for a bit, it locked up. Let's just say I wasn't pleased.
To add insult to injury, a bug was introduced in the version of K3B that I had which resulted in some files appearing as if they were thousands of terabytes in size. So I had to get the newest K3B and do a full backup to a DVD+R. I opened up the box and gave it a thorough de-dust-bunny-ifying and made sure everything was seated properly and that there were no blown capacitors. Then I ran Western Digital's utilities on the drive which it passed with flying colors. Ever since then, it's been rock solid. I can only assume that something slightly wiggled loose. I hope that's all it was.
The Master comments: I've been having problems with my sound card--basically Audigy 2 cards suck with Half-life engine games. I plan to pull the card and move it one more time, then if it still resists, removing it and switching to the AC97 built-in card. I use headphones, so I'm not sure why I feel the need for a higher-end card...
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