The Haus

Saturday, May 13, 2000

Freelancer at E3

Thresh's Firing Squad tells of their look at Digital Anvil's forthcoming space sim Freelancer at E3. From the sounds of it, this could be the modern version of Elite that J.t.Qbe and I have been waiting for since we both wasted many an hour on Elite in college. The game isn't due until next year, so we'll have to wait for a while to find out. Thanks Evil Avatar.

UPDATE! FS is reporting this title as being due in 2001. Others put it at Winter 2000. I'm not sure who to believe. Probably neither, if I know how projected release dates go.

History Today

Mappers and Modelers Needed!

The Haus' very own Wraith is working on a new mod for Quake III Arena, tentatively titled Bloodbath Arena: Young Gods. You may know Wraith's work from his extremely cool Bloodbath mod for Shogo as well as helping with several other Shogo-related projects. Wraith's going to do the coding himself, but he needs some modelers and mappers to bring his ideas alive. Interested? Check out Bloodbath Arena: Young Gods page (right here on The Haus, 'natch). Email Wraith for more information or if you are interested in signing up!

Friday, May 12, 2000


I missed this one the first time around! RIVA 3D pointed out that not only is Intel offering to replace the i820 motherboards with the faulty memory translation hub (MTH) (story), but they are also offering to swap users SDRAM with RAMBUS at no charge! This CNet article has the whole scoop. Of course, whether or not you want RAMBUS memory is an entirely different story . . .

Mechwarrior 4 Shots

Evil Avatar got his hands on 11 screenshots from Mechwarrior 4 coming from Microsoft. I especially like this shot. I wonder what kind of mammoth system you'll need to run this.

Pondering the Imponderable

How can gaming websites afford to fly all their news hounds to E3 only to have them NOT post any news from the floor? The sites that HAVE posted news have mostly posted stuff that we already knew with one little factoid or the other thrown in. Either there really is nothing "new" being shown at E3 or everyone is wasting too much time shooting pics of the booth models. Billy Wilson over at Voodoo Extreme mused about how he was able to get E3 news up faster staying at home than by actually attending.

In other unrelated news, I yanked the Voodoo2 out of my computer. Yes, it gave me a lot more FPS in Unreal Tournament than my TNT, but the image quality is so poor it is intolerable for me. It was especially bad with smoke and ambient lighting effects. Ugh. Well, I'll just deal with the slow down until I can afford a find a cheap GeForce or TNT2 Ultra.

Q3:TA Preview

Daily Radar has posted a brief preview of Quake III: Team Arena. The most interesting revelation in this preview is this:
[I]n what could be the coolest new feature in the history of Quake, you can jump into the bodies of any bots on your team, just in case you're a control freak who can't trust one to return the flag without being blown to smithereens.
Coolness. I could have used this last night when I was playing online with some particularly mentally-challenged bots.

CGO on Obi-Wan

CGO has a preview of LucasArts' Episode I: Obi-Wan online. Among other things, this article reveals that Obi-Wan will be using a client-server multiplayer system instead of Jedi Knight's peer-to-peer system.

No Alice Multiplayer

According to PR at E3, American McGee's Alice (based on the Alice in Wonderland books) will not have a multiplayer. My personal opinion is Rogue and EA shouldn't spend time on a multiplayer game for Alice. What's the point? The more time spent on Alice DM, the less time is spent on making an excellent single-player game. And, boy, do we ever need a good SP game right now. . .

Thanks Loonyboi.

Master of Orion III

YES! Oh, boy oh boy oh boy. MicroProse has announced at E3 that they are developing Master of Orion III! The only downer to this that I can see is that the original studio that designed the first two MOOs is no longer operating to do the third. Hopefully Quicksilver Studios won't drop the ball.

History today

Past Two Days' News

Recent Headlines

January 5, 2015: It Returns!
August 10, 2007: SCO SUCKS IT DOWN!
July 5, 2007: Slackware 12.0 Released
May 20, 2007: PhpBB 3.0 RC 1 Released
February 2, 2007: DOOM3 1.31 Patch

January 27, 2007: Join the World Community Grid
January 17, 2007: Flash Player 9 for Linux
December 30, 2006: Darkness over Daggerford 1.2
December 19, 2006: Pocket Tunes 4.0 Released
December 9, 2006: WRT54G 1.01.1 Firmware OK with Linux/Mac

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