Monday, October 16, 2000
NFL Week #7 Final -- 11:50 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Eeyore and I had our best week ever as we both ended up 11-3 in this week's NFL picks. Year to date, I'm now 64-36 and Eeyore is 47-38. I've been a rather sterling 21-7 over the past two weeks--I hope it keeps up!High-Speed Internet -- 5:42 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
I've been testing this new high-speed Internet access (128K both ways). I must say it is rather nice. I just played a bit of Unreal Tournament and discovered that my modem seems to have been a bigger barrier to my online playing than my video card is. That does present a problem: I can no longer use modem retrains, etc., as an excuse! Now it's just sheer lack of skillz.New Visors -- 11:17 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Handspring has officially announced two new additions to their Visor line of PalmOS-based PDAs. They include the Prism with 16-bit color, and the Platinum which is basically a turbo-charged Visor Deluxe (it's 50% faster). The Handspring website is being hammered right now, but you can see the Prism on VisorCentral. According to Handspring, both models are shipping now.I must confess that the Prism looks pretty cool. Handspring claims to get six hours of runtime with their Lithium Ion battery. Pretty impressive for a color model. Still, I don't think I'll be trading in my Deluxe any time soon. The Prism's $449 sticker price is a little rich for my blood.
Sunday, October 15, 2000
Pondering the Imponderable -- 9:35 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Looks like Eeyore and I will tie in this week's NFL picks. We have the same picks for the last two games and have identical 9-3 records going into them. We split the two games we differed on. I've a good feeling we'll be 11-3 by Monday night!OpenAL Explained -- 7:17 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
The O'Reilly network has a series of articles on OpenAL, the open-source 3D audio library started by Creative Labs and Loki Software. I hope OpenAL has the impact on 3D audio that OpenGL had on graphics. Of course, with Aureal out of the picture, Creative is in a great position to make it a reality. Thanks Linux Today.Recent Headlines
January 5, 2015: It Returns!
August 10, 2007: SCO SUCKS IT DOWN!
July 5, 2007: Slackware 12.0 Released
May 20, 2007: PhpBB 3.0 RC 1 Released
February 2, 2007: DOOM3 1.31 Patch
January 27, 2007: Join the World Community Grid
January 17, 2007: Flash Player 9 for Linux
December 30, 2006: Darkness over Daggerford 1.2
December 19, 2006: Pocket Tunes 4.0 Released
December 9, 2006: WRT54G 1.01.1 Firmware OK with Linux/Mac
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