Wednesday, July 11, 2001
Anarchy Online Review -- 9:26 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Lowtax over at Something Awful has posted a review of FunCom's Anarchy Online MMORPG, which apparently only lives up to 50% of its name. Check the review, and thank your lucky stars that you saved the $50.Half-Life Today -- 10:00 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Blue got word that Sierra is planning on releasing the patch for Half-Life sometime this morning. This patch mainly includes Deathmatch Classic and some new upload/download system. Stay tuned.UPDATE! The patches are posted for both the server and the client. You can download it from the usual mirror sites or from the Sierra auto-updating feature which is working quite nicely for me right now (I thought for sure it would be getting hammered). Once you get the new auto-update downloaded, it automagically lists all the mirror sites so you can pick one near you. Very slick.
Tuesday, July 10, 2001
If Microsoft Can't Handle IM -- 9:18 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
ZDNet has an article asking the question that should be on everyone's lips: if Microsoft has had so much trouble with online services lately, can we trust them with Hailstorm? MS wants to be the conduit for all online transactions. If they've can't make a secure webserver or get MSN Messenger working after a week (all while providing no explanation), how in the world will they pull off their .NET initiative? Thanks Slashdot.As an aside, I also enjoyed this quote:
Charles Fitzgerald, Microsoft's director of business development, . . . said that Microsoft has no plans to mine, sell, target or publish people's data stored in HailStorm."No plans" are the operative words. If you think they would never mine that data, I've got a New York bridge for sale . . .
The Master comments: Heck, if anyone believes that, I've got more than a bridge to sell. I've got this nice galaxy for sale-real cheap.
Switch to DSL -- 2:56 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Well, my wireless Internet experiment was mostly a success. Still, I ran into some problems when I would inexplicably start dropping tons (> 40%) of packets. So, the good folks at EZ-Net are getting me set up with DSL. I just got word from them that the telco checked my line and we should be good to go on Friday. We shall see. This also should fix the problem I had with never being able to play online games in Linux with the wireless (I hope, I hope).Recent Headlines
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December 30, 2006: Darkness over Daggerford 1.2
December 19, 2006: Pocket Tunes 4.0 Released
December 9, 2006: WRT54G 1.01.1 Firmware OK with Linux/Mac
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