The Haus

Sunday, January 26, 2003

Super Bowl

Well, the Bucs have won the Super Bowl. I predicted they would, and pulled for them. Maybe since they finally won, there's actually hope for the Lions! Nah . . .

icculus on the New Ports

Ryan "icculus" Gordon made a news post about the various new clients he showed off at the Linux World Expo. Here's a snip:

As soon as the SS:SE beta is posted, I'll install it and let you know how it works.

Saturday, January 25, 2003

MS SQL Worm Hammering the Net

A new worm is exploiting a flaw in Microsoft SQL to basically create a massive DDOS on the Internet. You can get the details on Slashdot. UUNet is being slammed particularly hard. The dumb thing is that Microsoft issued a patch for this last summer. Here's the original writeup on the exploit.

Past Two Days' News

Recent Headlines

January 5, 2015: It Returns!
August 10, 2007: SCO SUCKS IT DOWN!
July 5, 2007: Slackware 12.0 Released
May 20, 2007: PhpBB 3.0 RC 1 Released
February 2, 2007: DOOM3 1.31 Patch

January 27, 2007: Join the World Community Grid
January 17, 2007: Flash Player 9 for Linux
December 30, 2006: Darkness over Daggerford 1.2
December 19, 2006: Pocket Tunes 4.0 Released
December 9, 2006: WRT54G 1.01.1 Firmware OK with Linux/Mac

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