Saturday, February 1, 2003
Mandrake Gets Six Months -- 10:25 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
MandrakeSoft announced that a French court has given them six months of bankruptcy protection to try to reorganize their debt. Hopefully they won't hired any more executives with stupid ideas to run the company into the ground again. I'm hopeful. Mandrake 9.1 is looking very slick.
Space Shuttle Columbia Accident -- 9:12 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
This morning, the Space Shuttle Columbia apparently burned up upon reentry into the Earth's atmosphere. CNN has the details. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of these brave astronauts. This past week also marked the anniversaries of the Challenger disaster (January 28, 1986) and the Apollo I launchpad fire (January 27, 1967). That's almost creepy.
Friday, January 31, 2003
Licq 1.2.4 Released -- 11:29 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
At halftime of the Super Bowl, version 1.2.4 of my favorite Linux ICQ clone, Licq, was released. Here's a list of the major changes since 1.2.3:
- Sending batch file transfers.
- New skin/icon broswer.
- Threading issues cleaned up.
- Accepting batch file tranfsers from Miranda works now.
No DOOM 3 Editor in Linux -- 11:24 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
When DOOM 3 comes out, the map editor will be tied to the game. Someone emailed John Carmack to see if the editor would work in Linux too. Linux Games posted his answer. Here you are:
Unfortunately, it [the editor] is probably going to be a win32-only feature. We might support the possibility of building a separate, standalone linux version based off of the Radiant work, but it would lack the integration features, and we aren't committed to it. I would be happiest with complete support on all platforms, but the editor code has a bunch of win32 assumptions in it, and supporting a cross platform version would be more work than I can justify.
UT2K3 2186 Patch Released -- 8:22 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
That was fast! Epic has released the 2186 patch for Unreal Tournament 2003. There is a list of mirrors available and a complete changelog for your perusal. As of right now, this is Windows only, but I would imagine that the Linux version will be out before too long. I guess January 31, 2003 is officially "UT2K3 Day."
UPDATE! The Linux version is now available too. It's easiest to get it through the auto-updater. In addition to the changes listed above, there are also these Linux-specific changes:
- Eight mouse buttons (plus the mousewheel) should now be supported.
- New Karma libs to fix optimization crashbug.
- Unicode input now disabled by default to fix some input issues.
UT2K3 DE Bonus Pack Released -- 3:30 pm CST, Update by The Master
Digital Extremes has released the UT2K3 Bonus Pack (story). You can get it from the following sites:
- umod format: Fileplanet Fileshack
- ZIP format: Fileplanet Fileshack
A.T. Hun comments: The download weighs in at 71.5M. Does that mean that the pack is 195M uncompressed or did they forget to put something in the .ZIP? I'll know soon enough here. You can also download it from Filefront and actually get through sometime this century.
UT2K3 Patch Plans -- 1:57 pm CST, Update by The Master
There's a huge post up over on the Infogames Forums talking about the new 2186 patch for Unreal Tournament 2003. Here's a small sample:- now support left handed weapons
- fixed hidden weapons appearing occasionally on respawn
- spectators don't show up on DM scoreboard at end of match
- FPH doesn't change after match ends
- shock combos now work after going through static meshes, and at all angles.
- Fixed when entering a painzone you take double the damage/second in the first second and the correct amount thereafter
- added exec function SwitchToLastWeapon (bound to E by default)
- fixed megaspeed DMMutator game option
- improved bombing run AI (better AI reset between scores)
- fix for CTF flag can't be picked up
- fixed showing flag icon on scoreboard even if holder not relevant
- fixed throwing out minigun screwing up assault rifle
- fixed rocketlauncher can lock onto invasion monsters (bonuspack)
- change weapon sound pitch when berserk
- improved cheat protection
- spectating improvements
- single pass through actor list for first pass relevancy determination for all connections. Improves server CPU utilization by 20% to 30% for servers with large numbers of players
- fixed bots not properly losing player enemies when players log out of net games
- fixed big memory leak caused by garbage collection problem with certain levels (occurred on level change)
- fixed occasional crash which occurred during garbage collection on level changes, or when joining a server
- fixed sporadic karma physics crash
- performance improvement: frame rate based culldistance for player shadows
UT2K3 Epic Bonus Pack Interview -- 10:23 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Unrealism caught up with Epic's Steve Polge and asked him about Epic's bonus pack for Unreal Tournament 2003. This is not the same thing as Digital Extreme's bonus pack which will be released today. Here's a snip of what I think will be the coolest new gametype, Invasion:
[I]n this game type, players band together to defend against waves of incoming monsters. Each wave lastes between 90 seconds and 4 minutes. Players cannot respawn if they die during a wave, but as long as one player makes it to the end of the wave alive, everyone respawns for the next wave. Each wave contains a different combination of 12 different types of monsters.
Thanks Blue's News.
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