Sunday, June 20, 2004
Happy Father's Day! -- 9:34 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
A big happy Father's day goes out to all you dads out there, especially J.t., The Master, and J!
New Skins/Models in UT2K4 Bonus Pack? -- 6:12 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
The System/ file in the new Unreal Tournament 2004 patch gives some hints as to new models/skins in the forthcoming Epic Bonus Pack. They include a Necris, Metal Guard, and Cybernetic Skaarj. Check the end of that file for the details. No word on when the pack will be released. I know a lot of folks will just be goofy over the Necris. I'll probably check the CyberSkaarj.
IE Development to Restart? -- 5:08 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
It appears that MS is finally getting off their rear ends of restarting development of Internet Explorer. It's about freakin' time! The things I want are what most webmasters want: PNG alpha transparency support and complete (and proper!) CSS1-3 support. I'd love to remove the hacks I have on this site and others to get them to display properly in IE. Maybe Mozilla is having an impact after all? We can only hope! Thanks Slashdot.
Mac UT2K4 3236 Patch -- 4:58 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Ryan "icculus" Gordon is keeping himself busy today! Now there's also a 3236 patch for Mac users of Unreal Tournament 2004. For some reason, MacSoft seems in no particular hurry to OK these things. At any rate, Mac users can now enjoy all the creamy goodness of the patch.
Linux UT2K4 3236.1 Patch -- 11:38 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Ryan "icculus" Gordon released a 3236.1 patch for the Linux version of Unreal Tournament 2004. This fixes the bug introduced in 3236 that caused map load times to skyrocket. With 3236 BR-Slaughterhouse took almost five minutes to load with no bots. With 3236.1 it's back down to 37 seconds. Much better. If you play UT2K4 in Linux or run a dedicated server in Linux, you want this patch.
Update! Now there's also a mirror at Beyond Unreal.
Saturday, June 19, 2004
Saudis Kill al Quaeda Executioners -- 9:49 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
The Saudi government is claimed to have killed four al Quaeda operatives responsible for beheading American hostage Paul Johnson Jr. Four down, far too many to go. Couldn't happen to a nicer group of people. Apparently they don't realize that beheading Americans just stiffens our resolve to wipe al Quaeda off the planet.
A Google search turned up an interesting site called Jihad Watch. They post articles about al Quaeda and other "jihads" that various groups around the world have against the U.S. Obviously the site maintainer has strong opinions on these things. He seems to be to al Quaeda what Groklaw is to SCO, if I can use a comparison like that. As much as I dislike SCO, I loathe comparing them to bin Laden's cronies.
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December 9, 2006: WRT54G 1.01.1 Firmware OK with Linux/Mac
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