Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Serious Sam 2 on Linux? -- 8:45 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Linux Games got word of a report on Voodoo Extreme that Croteam has ported the second generation of their Serious engine to Linux. I'm seriously (har!) hoping that this means that there will be a port of Serious Sam 2. I enjoyed Serious Sam: The Second Encounter, but the Linux client is beta and currently residing on the back burner.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Mark Rein on the PS3 -- 10:55 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Epic's Mark Rein weighed in on the PS3 calling even the pre-rendered game demos "very achievable." He also had this interesting comment which made me wonder a bit more about what software makes the PS3 go:
Sony's cell demos were extremely cool and inspiring but are totally achievable, and over time even surpassable, by third developers like us because, as Tim Sweeney said, the development environment is made up of parts we're already intimately familiar with: OpenGL, NVIDIA graphics, Linux, and PowerPC. Think about Epic's experience, for example. We rock on NVIDIA hardware. We have been doing OpenGL since Unreal1. We regularly ship our games on Linux and we've won several Macintosh Game of the Year awards including a special World-Wide Design Award directly from Apple for UT2004. We're going to be able to kick serious ass on PS3, and so are a lot of our licensees and other 3rd party developers, in a way that wasn't remotely possible on past consoles.
Linux, eh? Thanks Beyond Unreal.
E3 Video -- 10:00 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Gamespot has some honking-great bandwidth available to bring video directly from E3. If you click on the link for the Sony demonstration, you can see the Unreal Engine 3 demo about 38 minutes in.
Playstation 3 Unveiled -- 9:41 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Sony revealed the Playstation 3 to the world at E3 and Anandtech was there. In that article, Anand basically comments briefly on Sony's PowerPoint presentation. The most interesting part of that for me was seeing the Unreal Engine 3 running on PS3 hardware. He also offers his thoughts on the PS3 vis-รก-vis the Xbox 360 in his blog. One concern that he and many others have is about the PS3's controller which looks rather, ahem, interesting. Then again, I thought the PS2's Dual-Shock looked odd until I tried it too.
Check out this footage for Killzone 2. I've got to wonder if that's a pre-rendered demo or real-time. If it is real-time . . . wow. Update! Evidently it is pre-rendered. Still, if the actual game can come close to matching that footage . . .
Xbox 360 Backwards Compatible . . . Kinda -- 9:26 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Microsoft has revealed that the Xbox 360 will be backwards compatible, but only with "top selling" Xbox games. It will be interesting to see how many titles are supported and how good the support is. Why do I have this feeling that Halo will be one of those titles :) Thanks Slashdot.
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