The Haus

Friday, April 21, 2000

NVIDIA Announcement Soon

NVIDIA's website has a new Flash intro pointing to an announcement they will be making on April 26, obviously of whatever they are going to be calling the NV15.

The interesting thing is that the 3dfx V5-5500 previews I've been seeing (and as compiled at the Shack) show that V5-5500 is only 15% faster than a GeForce DDR on a P3-650 on Q3A's "High Quality" settings. With ATi and NVIDIA's new chips coming out RealSoon (tMS), 3dfx may set a record for shortest time as the speed leader. Not to mention the fact that both companies products will have hardware T&L while the Voodoo line still will not.

The Master comments: From what I've read, on the P3-650 the V5 is CPU-limited. This wouldn't surprise me. I doubt you'll be seeing max performance from the V5 until you get to really high end processors and 4x AGP. Otherwise the V5 is just too powerful for the rest of the PC to max it out. Which makes the V6 look really senseless, doesn't it?

FWIW the Geforce256 is CPU-limited right now too. I know Carmack is really impressed with what he can get out of a G256 DDR at 1ghz CPU speeds.

A.T. Hun comments: Which basically means we've reached "ludicrous speeds" (to quote SpaceBalls). What will you need to max out the V6? Dual gigahertz Althons? Give me a break. Of course, 4x FSAA will gladly eat up a lot of that fillrate. All this makes 3dfx' decision not to add T&L that much more curious. Then again, these new cards were supposed to come out six months ago.

News for 04/21/2000

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