Friday, July 21, 2000
WaSP Blasts Netscape -- 12:55 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Slashdot brings word that the Web Standards Project (WaSP) posted an open letter to Netscape, blasting them for taking so long to release a standards-compliant browser. Here's a snip:How can standards advocates continue to point to your example while criticizing other browser makers? How can we demand that Microsoft "do what Netscape is doing," when, from a business perspective, "what Netscape is doing" is bleeding market share while failing to ship product? We appreciate the sacrifice you've made, but the loss of time and market share are not likely to inspire your competitors to emulate your actions.A valid point. M$ doesn't like playing by the rules anyway. Why should they if no one is forcing them to? I'm as big a Netscape supporter as there is, but if it weren't for the fact that IE causes my computer to lock up when I have the unmitigated gall to, say, view a webpage, I would have dumped Navigator 4.x some time ago. C'mon Mozilla . . .
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