Monday, September 11, 2000
Spamming DeCSS -- 10:43 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
According to Slashdot, someone has been spamming the Usenet (particularly the comp.* groups) with the DeCSS source code. DeCSS is a bit of code which enables people to view DVDs. The movie industry has their undies in a bundle about it because it could be used to copy DVDs. When are people going to realize that no copy protection scheme will _ever_ be foolproof? If you can see it or hear it, it can be copied. End of story.The Master comments: Personally, I agree with lawsuits against any software incorporating DeCSS as long as it's usage is for violating copyright-good luck proving that one in court. I wish somebody would write a free, legal player for DVDs on Linux, but so far DeCSS has been the only option, and it's been used as such, as well as in illegal copying software.
I DO NOT agree that the algorithm isn't valid for free and public publication, however. Algorithms should NOT be patentable or copyrightable in my opinion-if they are the entire computer industry owes Knute and Sedgewick every dime they've ever made on all software. I'm sure nobody out there is willing to pay up, are they?
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