Monday, September 11, 2000
Mobile Phone Research -- 10:48 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
This isn't your standard Haus news blurb, but I hear people talking about this all the time so it bears repeating. New Scientist has an article posted on the various studies on the dangers of mobile phone use. The not-so-surprising conclusion? At this point there doesn't seem to be any danger. The studies that seem to indicate potential problems have been irreproducible.The main danger from mobile phone use would seem to be swerving into an oncoming Mack truck because you aren't paying attention to what you are doing. While I was on vacation I saw a woman driving while talking on her cellphone AND putting on makeup at the same time. Made me wish I was driving a bulldozer. Thanks Slashdot
The Master comments: Actually, I like the one my wife pointed out to me the other day after picking me up from work-she was smoking, tuning the radio, talking while holding the phone against her shoulder, and had a book on the steering wheel-could she really be that busy? I really wish for recoiless rifles on vehicles when I see that. I wish states would just ban talking on those d$$$ things while driving on the highway. With a death sentence penalty for violation. Not that isn't what's happening anyway . . .
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