Monday, September 11, 2000
Fighting Mecha Screenies -- 10:55 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Voodoo Extreme posted some more screenshots from Monolith's upcoming mano-a-mano fighting robot game. Is it just me or do all these screenshots on VE and Evil Avatar (The Official Monolith Apologist Website) seem to be excuses for the abuse of colored lighting (and colors in general)? Take this screenshot for example. The mecha looks like my three-year-old threw up a bag of Skittles on it.And no, I'm not bitter just because it isn't Shogo 2--far from it. Maybe the gameplay will be very cool, but the levels so far look like ones normally reviewed by Cranky Steve.
The Master comments: Oh my. It's a tonka action mecha playset! I swear, that CAN'T be a game. Blech.
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