Monday, September 11, 2000
Lith's Mecha Game Revealed -- 10:33 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Monolith announced the official name of their new mecha combat game. It is Tex Atomic's Big Bot Battles. Seriously. has two interviews about the game. The first with lead designer Matt Norton, the second with Monolith CEO Jason Hall. Of interest is that is will be a download-only game. The full version will only be about a 20M download and the demo will only be 5M. That alone raises concerns about depth of content (or lack thereof).As proof that the PC.IGN staff must be taking as many drugs as the Lith folks who came up with the game's name, here's the first question in the first interview:
First off, that’s a fantastic title. Where did it come from and what is supposed to let us know about the nature of the game? And who is this Tex anyway?Ahh, journalism at its finest. Thanks Blue.
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