Friday, October 1, 1999
Surprise, Surprise -- 10:30 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
There's a petition up on a website which shall remain nameless, trying to get id to put the grapple in Quake 3 Arena. Several points bear mentioning: 1) the code for the grapple will be in there, it just won't be used in the CTF levels that ship with the game, 2) their main argument for wanting it is "make Q3 like Q2!" (personally I think that Q3 should be as little like Q2 as humanly possible), and 3) John Carmack said long ago that he cares little about online petitions. How about waiting to try something before you bitch about it, eh?Update: I just saw on the Shack that there is a petition online to keep the grapple out of Q3. Personally, I think I'm going to start a petition to stop all online petitions. Who's with me?
The Master responds: ME ME ME!
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