Wednesday, March 20, 2002
J.t. Claims Victory -- 10:14 pm CST, Update by J.t.Qbe
When I got my new Athlon 800 system a few weeks ago, I installed Serious Sam to see how my snappy 64 MB video card worked. In the meantime I've gotten some far better games--Icewind Dale and Gothic to name two--but haven't been able to decide which to play first. So I decided first to finish up Sam and get it off my system.I got burned out on shooters halfway through Quake and haven't been able to get into one since. I can't say that I've been able to get into Serious Sam either (you can't "get into" something which has no depth), but I've slogged my way through it and finally finished it a few minutes ago. I'll give Croteam points for the audacity of the thing (a 300' tall final boss; hundreds of enemies on the screen at once; some beautiful scenery and cool cinematics) but in the end it's just another twitcher and it has reminded me once again why I don't like shooters! And I hope I never see another Kleer Skeleton as long as I live.
You know, it's interesting to read the reviews of this game which praise it for its ability to let you fight hordes of enemies at once. Yet the Might & Magics are routinely criticized for the same thing. TANJ. Finally, bye bye shooters and on to something with depth and story!
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