Tuesday, August 12, 2003
Money Where My Mouth Is -- 12:10 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
Well, I've officially done it. I'm putting down money to buy a Linux distribution for the first time. What one did I determine to be worthy of my cash? Slackware 9.0. I've been using it full-time since May 27. I've been very happy with it. It may seem strange to pay for something that is "free," but I want to support Patrick Volkerding as he keeps developing Slackware. He needs to eat too. Plus, I could buy four or five copies of a Linux distro before I would equal one Windows XP Professional upgrade.
J.t.Qbe comments: Wow, congratulations on officially becoming a Slacker! Ladies and gentlemen (or whatever), this is the same guy who, when I told him about Linux back in '97 (when I was using Slackware 3), said, "What use do I have for a Unix clone?" I knew that he'd see the light, though--he's a true computer geek. Slackware is a great distribution and a truly worthy cause.
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