Wednesday, June 30, 2004
While We're Talking About Cool Toys... -- 8:58 pm CST, Update by J.t.Qbe
I'm a sucker for those live-CD versions of Linux--throw in a CD and boot a working Linux system which runs right from the disc (Knoppix is a longtime favorite). I'm also a sucker for live-CD versions of Linux which run from mini-CDs or bootable business cards. Unfortunately, while I've had 15 of those little CDRs for quite a while, I've also had a hard time finding a version worthy of a disc.
But now I've found just what I'm looking for: SLAX. Oh yeah--I run Slackware at home, and now I can run it anywhere else. Burn SLAX to a mini-CDR and off you go. It's pretty complete: it has X capability with fluxbox and even KDE, it has Konqueror, some editors and VNC capability too. Unfortunately it's missing some stuff I'd like, namely development tools.
Still, the SLAX website has some information on rolling your own version. Now that's going to be a fun project: a mini-CDR version of SLAX customized to my own taste.
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