Wednesday, July 21, 2004
SCOX Takes Loss #1 -- 1:00 pm CST, Update by The Master
Well, except for one point, SCO loses the DaimlerChrysler case. You may hoist your drink of choice now. I can't wait for them to lose in either the Novell or the IBM case. I look forward to that day.
Update (4:14pm): It appears that SCO's spin machine has been engaged. They still get to suck it down. Heh.
A.T. Hun comments: I had heard rumors (on Groklaw, I believe) that D-C's lawyers laughed themselves silly when they received the suit. Now we know why. Hopefully, this is officially the beginning of the end, although I'm sure that the death throes will be rather prolonged. At any rate, SCO is currently below their previous 52 week low.
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