Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Bleh: Windows Rebuild -- 11:52 am CST, Update by The Master
I spent yesterday evening rebuilding Eeyore's Windows XP installation from scratch, since it had gotten the infamous crud-up-slow-to-death disease. Learned that a PC run in a kitchen can collect a TON (literally) of cruft inside the case. The dust brontosauruses were very impressive. I also learned that you should back up your DRM license database BEFORE you reformat the drive. Thankfully the vendor was good enough to unlock her collection so I could re-aquire the licenses for her mp3's. Apple's DRM method is so much easier--just hit play on a tune, then iTunes asks for your iTunes account info, and bingo you're good to go on up to 5 PCs or Macs.
Tonight's entertainment is going to consist of dishes, hardware cleanup, Mythbusters, and a Quakeworld install. That's right, TM is going to reinstall the original Quakeworld server someplace around here. I feel the need to play some Ziggurat Vertigo :-) Then it will be time to re-exercise my UT2004 skillz.
A.T. Hun comments: Example #245 why DRM is evil.
The Master comments: I agree, but if that's what it takes to be able to get legal copies of single tracks of music for our mp3 players, at a reasonable price, then I guess we get to suck it up. I'm extremely sick of paying $15+ for a disc that I want one track off of. Thankfully, Apple's method is only mildly intrusive. Unlike Microsoft's demonic possession version.
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