Monday, November 29, 1999
Micro$oft boots OpenGL -- 9:10 am CST, Update by The Master
According to The Register (not necessarily a completely reliable source) Microsoft is pulling support for OpenGL in W2K. Here's the most telling snippet:Do not let your personal preference for the Quake family of games dominate your understanding of this market. OGL is not strategic for us... as the last three years of history in the multimedia space have shown...Now, why would THIS be? BECAUSE OF MICROSUCKS DIRECT-X! How do you compete with Micro$oft? You don't.
Thanks sCary.
A.T. adds: I can't really imagine this being too big of a problem. It's not that Win95/98/NT's built-in support was a whole lot to write home about. On the other hand, The Registry could've pulled this one out of their rears again. It seems that far too much of the stuff they post has some basis in reality, but little else.
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