Monday, November 29, 1999
More on Windows and OpenGL -- 10:45 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
A Win2K beta tester emailed Blue's News with some information on the status of OS's OpenGL support. Here's the whole deal:...I would like to set the record straight. I am a beta tester for Win2K. Not only will Win2K not ship with OpenGL drivers it will not ship with Direct3D drivers. The OS supports both DirectX and OpenGL, however, video card manufacturers have/were not able to kick out stable drivers in time to make it to RC3, (the cut-off was actually RC2). MS is pushing stability so they will not be replacing the current drivers that support only standard 2D desktop graphics. I am using Win2K beta drivers for my TNT2 Ultra and many games run fantastically on Win2K with it. I am using NT4 glide and opengl drivers for my voodoo2 board and I am able to play Ultima9 acceptably, (it runs under Win2K better than under win98). You can be sure that when Win2K is on the shelves most of the card manufacturers will have Win2K drivers with D3D and OpenGL support available.Once again, it seems that The Registry is reporting half-truths instead of actually getting the story. Caveat Surfor (Let the web-surfer beware).
When will the unfounded rumors cease? BTW, the Fahrenheit project was for DirectX 3D technologies and has nothing to do with Windows 2000 or any Microsoft OS per se.
The Master adds: Considering the current M$ attitude of "if it ain't Microsoft, it ain't," I wouldn't have been surprised if The Registry had been accurate on this one. However, the reasoning behind Microsoft's decision on this one is completely understandable, and a GOOD thing. Thanks to Blue and his intrepid readers for setting the record straight.
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