Wednesday, December 15, 1999
Sign of the Apocalypse -- 10:41 am CST, Update by A.T. Hun
id's John Carmack updated his .plan with news that he is, urp, getting married to Anna Kang (who is now formerly of id)!It wasn't generally discussed during her time at Id, but we had been going out when she joined the company, and we were engaged earlier this year. We are getting married next month, and honeymooning in Hawaii. At her thoughtful suggestion, we are shipping a workstation out with us, so I don't fall into some programming-deprivation state. How great is that? :-)Why do I keep singing to myself "Anna Kang and I are getting old, but we still haven't walked in the glow of each other's majestic presence"? (Can you name that tune?)
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