Tuesday, January 28, 2003
Parsec to Go Open Source -- 11:06 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
As it would happen, I stopped by the Parsec homepage the other day just to see if anything was still going on with this cross-platform space shooter. Today comes the announcement that the project will be going open source. Of course, given their goals, I wish they would have done this some time ago. Here's a snip from the announcement:
The source release will include platform support for Win32, MacOS X, and Linux, and contain both OpenGL and Glide rendering code. It will include almost everything that has been part of the earlier LAN-Test releases, as well as our new client/server code that is already far along in development. However, it is our hope that this release will be picked up by the Parsec community for further development, supported by members of the original Parsec Project.
Thanks Slashdot.
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