The Haus

Thursday, March 4, 2004

M$ Gives $100 Million to SCO

ESR posted a leaked memo from SCO indicating that Microsoft may be behind SCO's efforts far more than originally estimated. If this email is to be believed, M$ is giving $100 million to SCO. This has always been suspected. Now we appear to have a smoking gun. Hopefully IBM's lawyers can get their hands on this one. Thanks Slashdot.

UPDATE! It's been proven. The memo is legit. Oh, this is going to be fun. Thanks Groklaw.

The Master comments: Maybe today's news about Microsoft being SCO's bed-buddie and SCO's planned vicious disembowling of Bank of America will finally convince all of these big money investment brokerages to run from SCO's stock at top speed. I also hope Microsoft actually gets a taste of anti-trust medicine after this idiotic mistake. It's hard to believe a company as smart as M$ would do something so incredibly stupid. Well, I guess greed does that to people . . .

News for 03/04/2004

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