Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Cold War Demo -- 11:30 am CST, Update by The Master
There's a demo available for Cold War, the new sneak-shooter by Mindware. You can get it at Fileplanet, 3D Gamers, or Filerush (a TORRENT!), or you can use Blue's stack of links.
I installed and tried out the demo for a bit last night while doing some work-work stuff, and this is going to be a TOUGH game. I tried out the first level in the demo and I got my rear handed to me at least 3 times. It probably doesn't help being thrown into the game like I was, and the CW control system is very different from what I've used in the past. However, the graphics were nice and the sound was effective. The only thing that annoyed me was it seemed like the game was a bit jerky at times, with long hanging pauses before you would suddenly start moving again. I'm going to watch to see if anyone else is reporting this, because if that is a "feature", I'm going to pass on this game.
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