The Haus

Monday, December 20, 1999

Q1 Maps for Q3

Caveat Emptor: (update 3:00 P.M.) I suddenly have a somewhat itchy feeling about these maps. I'm no lawyer, but I've a feeling these conversions may be against id's EULA. If you also have a legit copy of Quake I, it probably isn't an issue. I'm sure someone from id will comment.

Redwood has posted a couple of map conversions from Quake I to Quake III Arena. The maps in question are Q1DM3 and Q1DM6. In case you've forgotten what those maps are, here are a couple of screenshots from the original maps:


I know that The Master and I would LOVE it if someone would convert e1m8 "Ziggurat Vertigo". Any takers?

Update! I downloaded and tried both maps. Both are pretty cool and bring back old memories. There are a couple of minor texture errors in places. I also wish the author would have made the water in Q1DM3 like the water in Q3A. Right now, it just looks like a bunch of textures from the surface.

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