Monday, December 20, 1999
Cool Q3A Binds -- 4:11 pm CST, Update by A.T. Hun
The Bind has some very slick binds for Quake III Arena. I snagged two of them for my personal use. One is Essobie's four group weapon switch. It allows you to control all the weapons with only four keys. I rewrote part of it so that q is bound to the lightning gun and the grenade launcher, e is bound to the rocket launcher and the plasma gun, and r is bound to the rail gun and the BFG (I use wasd for movement). The only one I didn't bind is the shotgun. Since it is normally bound to 3 anyway, that's close enough. That's now in my autoexec.cfg.Another one I will use is Artist's model viewer. You need to enable cheats (using devmap mapname) for this to work, since cg_thirdPersonAngle and cg_thirdPersonRange are cheat-protected. After you exec this script, hit 5 on the numeric keypad to go in and out of the third-person view. Then use the up and down arrows on the keypad to zoom in and out, and the left and right arrows on the keypad to rotate one way or the other.
And yes, The Master, there is even a rocket jumping bind so you can actually do that now :)
Thanks Quake 3 World for the link!
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